Rent control is a policy frequently criticised and misunderstood by both liberals and conservatives alike. The term “rent control” often sparks concern, particularly among proponents of a capitalist economy rooted in a free and competitive market, which prioritises the preservation of private property rights above other forms of ownership. Consequently, one of the ramifications of this stance is the commodification of housing, the diminishing of its social value, and the degradation of the built environment to perpetuate the commodification of land, all in pursuit of maximising profits.

The ongoing debate concerning housing and its significance within our urban socio-economic framework persists. At the centre of this discourse lies the rent control policy, notable for its constraint on market mechanisms. In this article, we aim to dismantle prevailing misconceptions surrounding rent control policy and advocate for its necessity in present-day Lebanon, contextualised within historical local rent trends and drawing insights from various countries’ experiences. Furthermore, we examine the criteria that should guide the development of rent control policies and propose strategies for structuring them to ensure housing stability and to shield tenants from exploitation.

Housing Lebanon

Protecting Renters in the Heart of Reclaiming a Liveable City

Since the Beirut port blast that occurred on the 4th of August, 2020, dozens of people have been evicted from their homes in the neighborhoods adjacent to the port. The residents left due …

How Do We Defend our Rights as Tenants Under the Current Rental Law?

نحو قانون شامل للحق في السكن

غالباً ما تتردّد إشكالات السكن والإسكان في الخطاب العام اللبنانيّ منذ فترة الاستقلال على الأقل. لكنّها ازدادت حضوراً في العقود القليلة الماضية، بفعل مضاربات السوق التي تعمل في سياق يفتقر تماماً إلى سياسات …

How can land and property taxes in Lebanon be fair?

The tax system plays a critical role in the social contract between the state and society, with individuals contributing taxes in exchange for the state’s commitment to societal well-being. However, recent global tax …

The right to housing in the National Social Protection Strategy for Lebanon

On February 13, 2024, Lebanon’s Cabinet approved the first national social protection strategy, aiming to replace the fragmented, privilege-based system with one based on rights and comprehensive reform. Prime Minister Najib Mikati launched …

Rent in times of Displacement: Draining people’s savings

Based on the current state of the rental market and an analysis of a sample of rental units, we question the possibility of completely abolishing rent at this stage, so that the displaced, ...