Policy Watch

The Sin El Fil Municipality Circular Deprives Syrian Children of Their Right to Education

On June 25, 2024, the Sin El Fil Municipality issued a circular forcing new measures related to the presence of Syrian refugees within its jurisdiction. The circular includes two clauses. The first one …

Allowing municipalities to issue building permits:

al-Mawlawi puts public safety at risk

On Monday, June 24, the deputies of the “National Moderation” bloc visited the Minister of Interior, Bassam al-Mawlawi, to urge him to allow municipalities to issue building permits for buildings that do not …

The right to housing in the National Social Protection Strategy for Lebanon

On February 13, 2024, Lebanon’s Cabinet approved the first national social protection strategy, aiming to replace the fragmented, privilege-based system with one based on rights and comprehensive reform. Prime Minister Najib Mikati launched …

In KfarAbida: Raghida Dergham takes over public property through the policies of the higher Council of Urban Planning

Last Sunday, June 9, 2024, residents and activists in the town of KfarAbida gathered in front of the villa of journalist Raghida Dergham, to denounce the building violations she is committing, and to …

The Government’s Collusion with the Violating Cement Companies:

Towards Further Depletion of Natural Resources

In its latest decision No. 36 issued on May 28, 2024, the government granted cement companies an “exceptional” one-year extension to continue extracting raw materials from their quarries. This decision, which came at …

Judicial decision to reclaim 3 public properties in Naqoura:

What about the other 13 plots?

On March 28, 2024, a judicial decision was issued ruling to reclaim 3 large-scale plots in the Southern town of Naqoura for the benefit of the Lebanese state, after one of the land …

The state can play its role

El Nabatieh Governorate leads the way in proposing fair rent

As of February 20, 2024, nearly 90,000 people have been displaced from their homes in Lebanon due to Israeli attacks. The International Organization for Migration estimates that around 15% of them have resorted …

Proliferation of Water Wells at the Expense of Groundwater Resources

A joint commentary between Public Works and SEAC - the Agricultural movement in Lebanon

MP Ahmad Al-Kheir proposed a draft law in September 2023 aiming to extend the submission of applications for the regularization of unlicensed private water wells. The proposal is based on the “Water Law” …

No to Imposing Fees or Restrictions on Access to Horsh Beirut

In 2019, the Lebanese parliament passed a law submitted by deputy Fouad Makhzoumi establishing “The Protection of Horsh Beirut”. What is this law and what are its reprecussions? This law brings us back …

Saving AnNaqoura: The last witness of how the Lebanese coast once was

Located in the region liberated from the Israeli occupation, private property lot number 92, had witnessed the illegal bulldozing and destruction of the neighboring marine ecosystem.  The pressure to stop works on Property …

Aley Stairs: What is Not Allowed Even For the Municipality

After activists have started mobilizing against the demolition of the “Public Heritage Stairs” of Aley, we write this commentary to show how a section of these stairs fall on private property. The stairs’ …

On the Agenda of the Higher Council of Urban Planning

Subdividing Forestry Land in Ihmij for the Benefit of Investors.

Read details in Arabic here.