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The Lebanese Forces’ Draft Law Targeting Refugees and Migrants:

Banning Rental as a New Tool in the Incitement Campaign

The draft was submitted on 23/05/2024

Amidst the escalating campaign by the state against Syrian refugees, Deputy Melhem Riachi proposed on May 23, 2024, a draft law to prohibit landlords from renting to any non-Lebanese citizen who illegally entered Lebanon without proper documentation, under threat of severe penalties. This draft law reflects an on-going and escalating approach of discrimination against Syrian refugees and violation of their rights. It builds upon previously issued circulars, aiming to strengthen their enforcement on one hand and expand the ongoing mass eviction and deportation campaigns to all Lebanese territories on the other. Its dangers also lie in the potential implications on the housing conditions of  refugees from other nationalities, migrants, and foreign workers, potentially leading to widespread mass evictions, displacement, and deportations. Additionally, this proposal violates both international human rights law and Lebanese laws.

Housing Lebanon

Local Authorities Normalize Illegality:

15 Discriminatory Circulars Against Syrians Documented Between April 9 and 24, 2024

Following the Cypriot President’s demand to the president of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen, to mediate between them and the Lebanese authorities, for the latters to prevent the boats of Syrian …

Timeline of Official Decisions, Draft Laws, and Raids Against Syrian Refugees 

During the past year, the number of political statements asserting that the armed conflict in Syria has ended has increased, calling for Syrian refugees to submit to the “voluntary return” plan proposed by …

Bourj Hammoud: media incitement, the municipality’s statement, and residents’ testimonies

Around two months ago, a video went viral showing a group of Lebanese men on motorcycles announcing a “warning deadline” to Syrians to vacate Bourj Hammoud via loudspeakers, causing widespread concern on social …

The Eviction of Syrian Refugees: 

A Violation of the Right to the City, Housing, Movement and to choosing the Place of Residence

The sight of children swimming in the pool in downtown Beirut has not been unusual in recent weeks, as an organized media campaign to promote racism and hatred against Syrian refugees had considered …

The Sin El Fil Municipality Circular Deprives Syrian Children of Their Right to Education

On June 25, 2024, the Sin El Fil Municipality issued a circular forcing new measures related to the presence of Syrian refugees within its jurisdiction. The circular includes two clauses. The first one …