
تنظيم‭ ‬زوق‭ ‬مكايل‭ ‬يغيّب‭ ‬معمل‭ ‬الموت

لا يمكن للمارّ بين نهر الكلب وجونيه أن يفوته مشهد لعمودين، مقلّمين بالبرتقالي والأبيض، يعلوان في السماء على واجهة زوق مكايل البحرية. بالرغم من حضورهما كمعلم مميّز للمنطقة، لا نجد هذا المشهد منسوخاً …

النسخة الثانية من حوار/مدينة/ناس

الندوة الثالثة: “الإبادة البيئية في فلسطين وجنوب لبنان” منذ قيام “إسرائيل” كمشروع استعماري استيطاني، وهي تقوم بالعديد من الممارسات بهدف القضاء على الحياة الفلسطينية وتدميرها، ومن بينها تدمير النظم البيئية. وقد اقتلعت الغابات …

Master-Planning in Lebanon: Manufacturing Landscapes of Inequality

How is urban planning practiced in Lebanon? What is the motive behind issuing master plans? And in what way do these plans violate fundamental rights? We tried during the years 2017 and 2018 …

The Construction Sector in Lebanon: How Neoliberal Urbanization Destroys the Environment

Lebanon faces a multitude of environmental threats, primarily driven by a neoliberal approach to urbanization. This approach prioritizes short-term private economic gains in the construction industry and associated businesses, including a dominant cement …

Climate Change and Housing:

Marginalized Neighborhoods Are The Most Affected

The adverse impacts of climate change have significantly increased the vulnerability of urban poverty, particularly among those residing in informal areas. This susceptibility is worsened by their restricted access to adequate housing, essential …

What Discussion on Climate Justice Under Occupation?

The Destruction of the Palestinian Environment

For over 75 years, since the occupation of Palestine began, the Israeli apartheid regime has systematically engaged in ethnic cleansing. It has pursued a deliberate policy of settler colonialism and forced displacement of …

How Urbanization is an issue of climate Justice

The fight against climate change often centers on shifting to renewable energy sources and reducing carbon pollution—two needed actions which cannot be worthwhile unless we reconsider the whole way in which we are …

Public Works Studio hosted a seminar titled “Environmental Genocide in Palestine and Southern Lebanon”

Public Works Studio organized a seminar titled “Environmental Genocide in Palestine and Southern Lebanon,” featuring the participation of the Minister of Environment, Nasser Yassin, Professor of Sociology at AUB, Sari Hanafi, and researcher …

Our Position on COP28

This statement marks the launch of the Network for Spatial and Environmental Justice (NSEJ), a newly formed network of individuals and organizations committed to exploring the intersection of urbanization, the environment, and climate …

The Scene from the South:

Abandoned Towns and Bumbling Municipalities

Coming soon

The 2023 Israeli War:

Fates of Residents and Confrontation Paths in Lebanon

The region is currently experiencing an extended war, from the West Bank, where people are killed, imprisoned, and their homes occupied, to Gaza, facing various forms of destruction—humanitarian, environmental, urban, psychological, etc.  Lebanon, …

Map of Israeli Attacks on Lebanon 2023

October 8th 2023 – January 31st 2024 October 8th – December 15th Since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on Gaza, Lebanon has not been spared from Israeli attacks. This map aims to …