
Informal neighborhoods: This is where the just city begins

Part 1: Discussions and Origins

Informal settlements in Lebanon, a complex and long-standing phenomenon, are the result of multiple factors. These include influxes of refugees, rural-to-urban migration, the scars of civil war and ongoing conflicts, and the adoption …

Warda’s story:

The right to housing for the elderly is a necessity, not a luxury

This is the Story of Warda, an elderly woman currently facing the looming threat of eviction from the place she’s called home for seventeen years. For Warda, losing this house is not just …

The proposed non-residential rental law:

Motives for appeal, and the need for action for fair legislation.

The Lebanese Parliament has recently approved the proposal to liberalize old non-residential rent. Nonetheless, the government refused to ratify the law, returning it to the parliament pursuant to return decree number 12835, thus …

Lease related Taxes:

amendments after the collapse A Summary of the amendments to the taxes due on lease contracts

This legal memo offers a quick overview of the amendments to the fees and taxes to which rental contracts are subject, following the outbreak of the economic crisis and subsequent collapse of the …

The Construction Sector in Lebanon: How Neoliberal Urbanization Destroys the Environment

Lebanon faces a multitude of environmental threats, primarily driven by a neoliberal approach to urbanization. This approach prioritizes short-term private economic gains in the construction industry and associated businesses, including a dominant cement …

Climate Change and Housing:

Marginalized Neighborhoods Are The Most Affected

The adverse impacts of climate change have significantly increased the vulnerability of urban poverty, particularly among those residing in informal areas. This susceptibility is worsened by their restricted access to adequate housing, essential …

The state can play its role

El Nabatieh Governorate leads the way in proposing fair rent

As of February 20, 2024, nearly 90,000 people have been displaced from their homes in Lebanon due to Israeli attacks. The International Organization for Migration estimates that around 15% of them have resorted …

Does Lebanon need a rent control policy?

Rent control is a policy frequently criticised and misunderstood by both liberals and conservatives alike. The term “rent control” often sparks concern, particularly among proponents of a capitalist economy rooted in a free …

What Discussion on Climate Justice Under Occupation?

The Destruction of the Palestinian Environment

For over 75 years, since the occupation of Palestine began, the Israeli apartheid regime has systematically engaged in ethnic cleansing. It has pursued a deliberate policy of settler colonialism and forced displacement of …

How Urbanization is an issue of climate Justice

The fight against climate change often centers on shifting to renewable energy sources and reducing carbon pollution—two needed actions which cannot be worthwhile unless we reconsider the whole way in which we are …

نحو قانون شامل للحق في السكن

غالباً ما تتردّد إشكالات السكن والإسكان في الخطاب العام اللبنانيّ منذ فترة الاستقلال على الأقل. لكنّها ازدادت حضوراً في العقود القليلة الماضية، بفعل مضاربات السوق التي تعمل في سياق يفتقر تماماً إلى سياسات …

How can land and property taxes in Lebanon be fair?

The tax system plays a critical role in the social contract between the state and society, with individuals contributing taxes in exchange for the state’s commitment to societal well-being. However, recent global tax …