
Planning Dibbiyeh:

Between Private Interests and Public Apprehensions

Dibbiyeh is located 30 kilometers south of Beirut and is the coastal gateway to Iqlim al-Kharroub in Chouf. It consists of the old village, located at the heights of the towns, and a …

The Apprehensions of the Past in Building the Future:

Do the Master Plans for Damour Encourage Return?

Last year, a broad debate surrounded director Ziad Doueiri’s film The Insult, especially after it was nominated for the 2018 Oscar for best foreign language film. This was the first time that a …

تنظيم‭ ‬زوق‭ ‬مكايل‭ ‬يغيّب‭ ‬معمل‭ ‬الموت

لا يمكن للمارّ بين نهر الكلب وجونيه أن يفوته مشهد لعمودين، مقلّمين بالبرتقالي والأبيض، يعلوان في السماء على واجهة زوق مكايل البحرية. بالرغم من حضورهما كمعلم مميّز للمنطقة، لا نجد هذا المشهد منسوخاً …

To Put Agriculture Against Tourism:

The Case of the Zahrani Coast

I remember well the weekly trips south that I took with my family when I was younger. I would sit in the back seat on the right and look out, observing the road …

Land belongs to those who cultivate it:

The rights holders of in Shabriha

How does urban planning deal with informal areas? This question is a pressing issue for the future of Tyre and Abbassiyeh areas, where camps and informal gatherings constitute an essential component of the …

المسؤوليات والتراخيص ومساراتها في ملف انهيار المباني

يصدر قريبا.

After the Collapses: The Fate of Displaced Residents

Over the past five years, devastating building collapses have shaken various Lebanese cities. These tragic and recurring incidents have resulted in significant human casualties and extensive material losses. However, they are not isolated …

The Primary Causes Behind the Increasing number of Collapsed Buildings in Lebanon

In 2023, seismic activity raised concerns about building collapses in Lebanon, initially overlooked until a series of incidents occurred across different regions. These events are part of a broader context where Lebanon faces …

Buildings Collapse in Lebanon

It is difficult to be surprised today by the collapse of buildings around the Lebanese territory, being aware of the amount of legal and material factors that have weakened and destabilized their structure, …

النسخة الثانية من حوار/مدينة/ناس

الندوة الثالثة: “الإبادة البيئية في فلسطين وجنوب لبنان” منذ قيام “إسرائيل” كمشروع استعماري استيطاني، وهي تقوم بالعديد من الممارسات بهدف القضاء على الحياة الفلسطينية وتدميرها، ومن بينها تدمير النظم البيئية. وقد اقتلعت الغابات …

Master-Planning in Lebanon: Manufacturing Landscapes of Inequality

How is urban planning practiced in Lebanon? What is the motive behind issuing master plans? And in what way do these plans violate fundamental rights? We tried during the years 2017 and 2018 …


During the past decade, many researchers have studied the relationship between geography and law in an attempt to clarify the links between these two increasingly complex concepts. In reality, comparing law and the …