
Land belongs to those who cultivate it:

The rights holders of in Shabriha

How does urban planning deal with informal areas? This question is a pressing issue for the future of Tyre and Abbassiyeh areas, where camps and informal gatherings constitute an essential component of the …

Master-Planning in Lebanon: Manufacturing Landscapes of Inequality

How is urban planning practiced in Lebanon? What is the motive behind issuing master plans? And in what way do these plans violate fundamental rights? We tried during the years 2017 and 2018 …

Bourj Hammoud: media incitement, the municipality’s statement, and residents’ testimonies

Around two months ago, a video went viral showing a group of Lebanese men on motorcycles announcing a “warning deadline” to Syrians to vacate Bourj Hammoud via loudspeakers, causing widespread concern on social …

The proposed non-residential rental law:

Motives for appeal, and the need for action for fair legislation.

The Lebanese Parliament has recently approved the proposal to liberalize old non-residential rent. Nonetheless, the government refused to ratify the law, returning it to the parliament pursuant to return decree number 12835, thus …

Collapse in al-Meselmani building in al-‘Hayy al-Gharbi:

10 families were displaced

Part of the Al-Meselmani building, in Al-’Hayy al-Gharbi extending between Chatila Camp and the Sports Stadium, collapsed on Saturday morning. As a result, ten families who had lived in the building for about …

Mass Eviction in Bir Hassan:

the State Continues to Disregard the Rights of Residents in Informal Neighborhoods

In Bir Hassan, a building where many have found refuge during the Lebanese war now faces eviction after years of neglect. Originally housing war-displaced residents, the building’s new owners aim to evict the …

Syrians’ Housing Conditions in Lebanon at the Intersection of Power, Securitization, and Legal Vulnerability

Monitoring and case studies between June 2022 and October 2023

During the past year, the number of political statements asserting that the armed conflict in Syria has ended has increased, calling for Syrian refugees to submit to the “voluntary return” plan proposed by …

Tear Down the Wall! Stop the Genocide in Gaza Now!

Housing Justice Network Statement on Palestine

Today we launch the Housing Justice Network in the MENA Region with a public denunciation of the atrocities committed by the state of Israel in Gaza and the wider region. As local housing …

About Ein el-Hilweh Camp

Yesterday in Ein el-Hilweh camp, and today in Gaza, Palestinians lose their land and neighborhoods for different reasons, with occupation and displacement serving as the common thread that binds their struggles. This article …

 “The Preventive Plan for Dealing with Any upcoming War:

When Will the State Recognize that we are in a State of War?"

Since the 7th of October 2023, Lebanon, especially its southern regions, has been relentlessly targeted by Israeli attacks. These assaults have caused widespread devastation, claiming lives, destroying homes, infrastructure, and even harming the …

The Scene from the South:

Abandoned Towns and Bumbling Municipalities

Coming soon

Examining Displacement Destinations:

New Housing Dynamics in Tyre and Aley

With Israeli aggression on Gaza, continuous attacks were taking place in southern Lebanon, leading to extensive shelling of over 60 towns, causing environmental and societal damage. This resulted in economic, educational, and health …