A significant number of state-owned lands designated for housing (154 properties) are located in the district of Saida. 124 of these properties are registered under the name of the National Authority for Reconstruction, and 30 under the name of the Ministry of Housing and Cooperatives. The majority of these properties are located within the cadastral area of Miyeh ou Miyeh, adjacent to the city of Saida and on the outskirts of the current Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp. Following the earthquake that struck villages in Chouf district and the South in 1956, the National Authority for Reconstruction worked to resettle the displaced and those affected. It allocated the city of Saida and its surroundings for the construction of a public housing project on properties it had acquired in Miyeh ou Miyeh, Ed-Dekermane, and Old Saida cadastral areas. The municipality of Saida had exerted pressure on the Authority to expand the project to include, in addition to the people affected by the earthquake, all Saida residents who wished to improve their housing conditions. This may have led to the construction of some of the residential units on properties owned by the municipality of Saida in Ed-Dekermane. This whole public housing project became known today as the “Taa’meer” neighborhood (“Reconstruction” in Arabic).