Public Property

Where is the sea in Dbayeh? I can’t see it.

In this article, published for the first time as part of Public Works Studio’s “Planning in Lebanon: Manufacturing Landscapes of Inequality” project (2017-2018), we delve into the history of land reclamation and privatization …

Land belongs to those who cultivate it:

The rights holders of in Shabriha

How does urban planning deal with informal areas? This question is a pressing issue for the future of Tyre and Abbassiyeh areas, where camps and informal gatherings constitute an essential component of the …

The secondhand market in Tripoli: 

The municipality 'cleans' the city of its poor

Starting Saturday June 29, and over several consecutive days, the secondhand market in Tripoli witnessed a full removal process, as part of the campaign to remove public property violations in Tripoli. This removal …

Master-Planning in Lebanon: Manufacturing Landscapes of Inequality

How is urban planning practiced in Lebanon? What is the motive behind issuing master plans? And in what way do these plans violate fundamental rights? We tried during the years 2017 and 2018 …

Young men raided the Beirut Horsh and the municipality rewards them

In April 2024, a group of young men from Tariq Al-Jadida raided Horsh Beirut to apprehend youths accused of drug use and trafficking by entering the Horsh through gaps in its fence, following …

Judicial decision to reclaim 3 public properties in Naqoura:

What about the other 13 plots?

On March 28, 2024, a judicial decision was issued ruling to reclaim 3 large-scale plots in the Southern town of Naqoura for the benefit of the Lebanese state, after one of the land …

Commodifying Public Property

The state continues to encroach on, neglect, or allow the private sector to control landed public property, this time through a decree of the Council of Ministers allowing Al-Hiba Real Estate Company to …

The Threat of Privatizing Public Lands Becoming Reality

The draft law was submitted on 21/03/2024, and referred to the government and the joint committees for the Committee of Administration and Justice, and the Committee of Finance, and Budget on 3/04/2024. The committees are reviewing it, but no meetings have been held yet to discuss it.

The 2024 budget:

Rewarding property owners and speculators

This article discusses the 2024 budget in Lebanon, emphasizing the lack of substantial changes to rebuild the collapsing economy. The budget focuses on providing legal cover for state expenses without addressing existing policies, …

No to Imposing Fees or Restrictions on Access to Horsh Beirut

In 2019, the Lebanese parliament passed a law submitted by deputy Fouad Makhzoumi establishing “The Protection of Horsh Beirut”. What is this law and what are its reprecussions? This law brings us back …

The Mar Mikhael square project: who speaks for the neighborhood?

Following the ongoing debate over the Mar Mikhael Square Project, an American University of Beirut- Urban Lab initiative, we propose to open a debate around the issue, having neighborhood committees as an entry …

Mobilisations during the October 17 Uprising to reclaim seafront public properties

Over the past decades, environmental issues and access to natural resources stood out as major components of the broader landscape of social mobilisation in Lebanon. Despite oppressive practices and the hegemony’s attempts to …