public housing

The right to housing in the National Social Protection Strategy for Lebanon

On February 13, 2024, Lebanon’s Cabinet approved the first national social protection strategy, aiming to replace the fragmented, privilege-based system with one based on rights and comprehensive reform. Prime Minister Najib Mikati launched …

Distribution of Private State Property in Tripoli City, Mina and Beddaoui

The Lebanese State owns 481 properties in the city of Tripoli, the majority of which are located in the “Trablous jardins” and “Ez-Zeitoun” cadastral areas. In the adjacent city of Mina, the number …

Distribution of Private State Property in Saida City and its Surroundings

A significant number of state-owned lands designated for housing (154 properties) are located in the district of Saida. 124 of these properties are registered under the name of the National Authority for Reconstruction, …

Distribution of State Property Designated for Public Housing (by District and Public Institution)

A significant number of state-owned lands in Lebanon are registered in the land registry under the names of several ministries, departments, or directorates concerned with housing. As per the 2015’s data retrieved from …

Legitimate Housing or the Right to Dwell?:

Pubilc Housing and their Informal Transformations in Saida and Tripoli

Read the Arabic article here.

“Dialogue – City – People”

A Bi-monthly Series of Seminars Organized by Public Works Studio and the French Institute of the Near East

The bi-monthly public seminars, held in collaboration with «Mansion», provide a platform to connect research, applied projects, practical activities, and collective political engagement to address current issues and their intersections. We believe that …

Housing-Designated Lands:

The State Had Housing Projects

In this article, we focus on the state-owned lands designated for housing. Understanding the nature of these properties, their location, and their current uses is essential when discussing any solutions to the ongoing …

Tripoli: The Nakba of Unfinished Housing Projects

In this article, we focus on the state-owned lands that have been historically designated for housing in the cities of Tripoli and Mina (North Lebanon). First, we examine the multiple types of state …

Think Housing: Affordable Schemes Towards an Inclusive Beirut

Read in Arabic here.

Urban Struggles in the Arab Region

Exchanging Experiences and Methodologies

Public Works Studio, in collaboration with Professor Heba Bou Akar from Columbia University, organized a series of online seminars focusing on experiences, frameworks, and methodologies for addressing the challenges of urban realities in …

Discussion Session in Tripoli’s Public Square:

Commodifying Housing in the Service of the Rentier Economy

After decades of handing over the fate of city dwellers and their right to housing to the real estate market and the housing loan policies, housing has been reduced to a commodity, lacking …

Workshop: Housing Policy in Beirut, Towards Affordable Housing and an Inclusive City

In partnership with the «Social Justice and the City» program at the American University of Beirut, Public Works Studio organized a consultative meeting and workshop titled «Towards Affordable Housing and an Inclusive City» …