abusive behavior

Kousba and the Beast:

The story of a municipality forcefully evicting Syrian refugees and preventing the Lebanese residents from protecting them

This narrative features Nermine, a 70 y.o lebanese woman, as she struggles to defend her tenants of 13 years, Fadi his wife and 3 children, from the municipality’s attempts to forcibly evict them …

The eviction of 1000+ residents from Al Waha Compound in Deddeh: On the tragedy of the housing of Syrians in Lebanon

Between May 19 and 20, 2024, news spread about the eviction of Al Waha Compound in Deddeh (Koura District, North Lebanon), which had been home to around 2,000 Syrian refugees for years. In …

Bourj Hammoud: media incitement, the municipality’s statement, and residents’ testimonies

Around two months ago, a video went viral showing a group of Lebanese men on motorcycles announcing a “warning deadline” to Syrians to vacate Bourj Hammoud via loudspeakers, causing widespread concern on social …

Local Authorities Normalize Illegality:

15 Discriminatory Circulars Against Syrians Documented Between April 9 and 24, 2024

Following the Cypriot President’s demand to the president of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen, to mediate between them and the Lebanese authorities, for the latters to prevent the boats of Syrian …

Warda’s story:

The right to housing for the elderly is a necessity, not a luxury

This is the Story of Warda, an elderly woman currently facing the looming threat of eviction from the place she’s called home for seventeen years. For Warda, losing this house is not just …

Collective evictions: The most prominent pattern in the Housing Monitor Report

Periodic Report | June - December 2023

This report covers cases received by the “Housing Monitor” from June to December 2023, documenting 345 cases, reaching a peak in August (143 cases). The majority of these cases originated from Syrian refugees …

An application to monitor Syrian Refugees:

turning every citizen into a fascist

Taking advantage of the crime of killing a member of the Beirut Guard Regiment in Gemmayzeh, a Beirut MP launched an application to report Syrian refugees in Beirut. MP Ghassan Hasbani – the …

Timeline of Official Decisions, Draft Laws, and Raids Against Syrian Refugees 

During the past year, the number of political statements asserting that the armed conflict in Syria has ended has increased, calling for Syrian refugees to submit to the “voluntary return” plan proposed by …

The Municipality of Baysour Restricts the Freedoms and Housing Rights of Syrian Refugees Through a Series of Unlawful Practices

In late September, employees from the municipality of Baysour paid the village residents a visit, inquiring about their personal information, and informing them that they had one week to pay the sum of …

The Eviction of 300+ Syrian Residents from the Agha Building in Ras El-Nabeh

Last September, 300 Syrian residents, many of whom were children, faced forced eviction from the Agha Building in Ras El-Nabeh in Beirut due to complaints about their involvement in littering and the deterioration …

Violation of the Right to Housing in Lebanon: Tripoli as a Case Study

Periodic Report | June - August 2022

Read in Arabic here.

The Residents of “Hind” Building Face Mass Eviction

This Story recounts the struggles of “Hind” building’s residents as they face countless harassments, pressures and threats aimed at forcing them out of the homes they have inhabited for years. “Hind” building is …