Mount Lebanon Governorate

March and April 2021

During the months of March and April 2021, 27 reports of eviction threats were received by the #Housing_Monitor, including one eviction notice. The reports were mostly located in Beirut and its suburbs, out …

January and February, 2021

Throughout the first two months of year 2021, 88 cases have been reported, relating to housing vulnerability affecting 237 individuals, almost half of which were children. These reports included 36 single women threatened …

November and December 2020

Read in Arabic here.

Discussion in Jal El Dib’s Public Square

Waterfront Investment in the Service of the Rentier Economy

The development and organization of the Lebanese coast has often been associated with the construction and real estate industry. In the northern part of El Meten district, projects such as LINORD and Waterfront …

Play in the Camp

In Mar Elias Camp, as in other Palestinian camps, the built environment and shared spaces are in deteriorating conditions. Development projects that are implemented in these settings rarely correspond to the aspirations and …

Exhibition at Sursock Museum: Planning the City through Play – Youth Efforts in Making Communal Football Fields in Beirut

This project presented in «The City in the City» exhibition at the Sursock Museum, chronicles the development of nine unofficial football stadiums in the city of Beirut and its suburbs. It examines the …

Beirut Evictions Monitor Launch

Public Works Studio participated in Beirut Design Week and launched the «Beirut Eviction Monitor». The event was structured into three components: an exhibition, a data gathering workshop, and an interactive presentation. During the …

Seminar at City Debates

Public Works Studio participated in the 2017 City Debates at AUB where we exhibited the findings of our research project, “Mapping Beirut through its Tenants’ Stories,” in the lobby of the Architecture and …

Exhibition and Discussion: Beirut Evictions Map

Public Works Studio showcased the eviction map at Mansion and organized a seminar on the right to housing, featuring Zaki Taha, an activist in the old tenants movement. The exhibition was captured in …

Public Conversation: Managing the Landscape and Natural Resources

Public Works Studio organized a discussion session and knowledge-sharing event focusing on natural resource management, transparency in projects’ implementation, and the potential for public participation in related decision-making processes. Habib Batah, a journalist …

Designing 7 Public Libraries in 7 Palestinian Camps

Through the design of 7 libraries within existing buildings in 7 Palestinian camps, we value importance of working on design projects in camps or informal areas. Such spatial interventions highlight the possibilities informality …

Mapping Beirut through its Tenants’ Stories workshop series

A participatory research space with the aim of promoting the right to the city and affordable housing through a series of six workshops. These workshops specifically focus on gathering and sharing the experiences …