
Genocide and Media:

Killing Journalism and Distorting the Narrative

Since the start of the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza in October 7, 2023, the media has been a tool used by the occupation to obscure and distort the truth in order to …

The Mar Mikhael square project: who speaks for the neighborhood?

Following the ongoing debate over the Mar Mikhael Square Project, an American University of Beirut- Urban Lab initiative, we propose to open a debate around the issue, having neighborhood committees as an entry …

Which Tools for Which Municipalities?

A Workshop Targeting Local Public Affairs' Practitioners

The training workshop aims to enhance understanding of land management practices and strategies for regional development. It targets individuals or groups working in public affairs at the local level or those interested in …

Two Years After the Intifada:

Miniatures of the City, People and Capital

On the second anniversary of the October 19 uprising, we discuss the archeology of the movement of the street, people and capital, publicly drawing miniatures of the city we want to build, the …

Housing as a Feminist Cause

Stories from the Housing Monitor

If the COVID pandemic has shown us anything over the past year, it is that crises, no matter how global they may be, are not experienced equally by everyone. In times of multiscalar …

Urban Struggles in the Arab Region

Exchanging Experiences and Methodologies

Public Works Studio, in collaboration with Professor Heba Bou Akar from Columbia University, organized a series of online seminars focusing on experiences, frameworks, and methodologies for addressing the challenges of urban realities in …

Ras el-Nabeh in the Time of COVID

Who Speaks in the Name of the Neighborhood?

Read the Arabic article here.