rent law

Can Property Owners Force Rent Payments in Dollars or Market Rate?

Read in Arabic here.

Defending Housing Against Displacement Policies

Dialogue Series: The Social Value of Land

The right to adequate housing is a fundamental human right, essential for social justice and the maintenance of human dignity. However, the diverse and urgent housing needs of the majority of the Lebanese …

Discussion Session in Tripoli’s Public Square:

Commodifying Housing in the Service of the Rentier Economy

After decades of handing over the fate of city dwellers and their right to housing to the real estate market and the housing loan policies, housing has been reduced to a commodity, lacking …

Another City Series: Housing Narratives

“We are the Heritage: Narratives Housing” tours are exploration tours in the neighborhoods of Bachoura, Al-Roum/Al-Badawi Tarik Jdideh in Beirut, that were launched as a continuation of studies led by Public Works Studio …

Housing, Displacement and the Elderly:

Intersectional Spatial Narratives from Tareek El Jdeede, Beirut

The project aims to investigate the relationship between the housing conditions of vulnerable social groups and the transformation of urban and suburban landscapes. Specifically, it seeks to answer questions such as how urban …

The Story of Sanaa and Living in Mar Mikhael

I am a secondary school teacher and have been teaching for 42 years. My salary now, when I go to retirement, is $2,000. I can’t get a loan or make ends meet. What …

Right to Housing: The Landscape From Ras Beirut

A Research Workshop Within the Series «Mapping Beirut Through Its Tenants’ Stories»

The workshop consists of five sessions that involve discussions and field research, which are held in collaboration with The AUB Neighborhood Initiative. It targets youth interested in urban issues, research, mapping, and Beiruti …

Ras Beirut: Housing Narratives in the City

Over the past 150 years Ras Beirut has changed from an agricultural community to a dense urban neighborhood, particularly distinguished for its social, economic and cultural diversity. This diversity is however increasingly threatened …

Housing Narratives in Ras Beirut

Over the past 150 years Ras Beirut has changed from an agricultural community to a dense urban neighborhood, particularly distinguished for its social, economic and cultural diversity. This diversity is however increasingly threatened …

Workshop: Housing Policy in Beirut, Towards Affordable Housing and an Inclusive City

In partnership with the «Social Justice and the City» program at the American University of Beirut, Public Works Studio organized a consultative meeting and workshop titled «Towards Affordable Housing and an Inclusive City» …

Seminar at City Debates

Public Works Studio participated in the 2017 City Debates at AUB where we exhibited the findings of our research project, “Mapping Beirut through its Tenants’ Stories,” in the lobby of the Architecture and …

Seminar and Discussion: Right to Housing: The Landscape From Mar Mikhael and Al-Badawi Neighborhoods.

Similar to many other cities in Lebanon, Beirut’s current housing market falls short in providing suitable housing options for the majority of its residents, leaving them without stability or adequate living conditions. Over …