real estate speculation

Discussion Session in Tripoli’s Public Square:

Commodifying Housing in the Service of the Rentier Economy

After decades of handing over the fate of city dwellers and their right to housing to the real estate market and the housing loan policies, housing has been reduced to a commodity, lacking …

Discussion in Jal El Dib’s Public Square

Waterfront Investment in the Service of the Rentier Economy

The development and organization of the Lebanese coast has often been associated with the construction and real estate industry. In the northern part of El Meten district, projects such as LINORD and Waterfront …

The Architect, the Law, the Sponsor and the Maid’s Room

This installation aims to deconstruct the process of (re)producing «The Maid’s Room» using a combination of archival documents, audio clips, and a sectional model. Through this work, we hope to encourage the public …

Beirut is My City and I Have the Right to Stay Here

Housing conditions in Beirut today are a result of multiple factors: growing land speculation and a process of financialization; lack of building, planning and land regulations that preserve social and urban fabric; state …

Think Housing

In an effort to advocate for affordable housing and more inclusive cities, Think Housing competition sought innovative proposals for inclusive urban housing options that challenge the dominant models of urban development by reversing …

Think Housing: The First Competition for Housing Alternatives in Beirut

In an effort to address the affordable housing shortage in Beirut, Think Housing competition sought innovative proposals for inclusive urban housing options that challenge the dominant models of urban development, by reversing ongoing …