Land Policies Observatory

Land Policy Observatory

Monitoring Land Legislations since 2019 0Laws 0Decrees (since 2021) 0DGU decisions 0Master plans 0Housing 0Public property 0Land management and planning 0Reconstruction and recovery 0Natural resources 0Construction 0Infrastructure map Israeli attacks on Lebanon: Bombing …

“Strong Lebanon” MPs: Proposing a Law Which Excludes Relatives from the Provisions of Freezing the Sale of Real Estate Properties does not Threaten the “Sectarian Identity” of the Areas Affected by the August 4 Port Explosion 

Proposing an accelerated law aimed at amending the second paragraph of Article 3 of Law No. 194 (Protecting the areas impacted by the explosion in the port of Beirut and supporting their reconstruction).

It was presented to the Parliament session on February 20-21, 2022

Azm Movement Proposes Approving a New Loan from the World Bank to Modernize the Lebanese Land System

A request for approval to conclude a loan agreement between the Republic of Lebanon and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, to execute the land system modernization project.

It was placed on the agenda of the 21-22/4/2020 session, but it was withdrawn by the government following the International Bank’s retraction of the loan due to the emerging circumstances.

إعفاءً جزئياً من فواتير الكهرباء للمتضررين من معمل الذوق

MP Farid El-Khazen Proposes a Partial Exemption from Electricity Bills for Those Affected by the Zouk Power Plant

Proposing an accelerated law that aims at exempting the residents of Jounieh city and the towns of Zouk Mosbeh, Zouk Mikael, Ain El Rehana, Aintura and Jeita from a percentage of the electricity consumption bill.

It was included in the agenda of the parliamentary sessions 30/09/2020 and 21/12/2020 and has not been studied yet.

The “Murr Floor” Project Returns: The Government Provides no Solution to the Housing Crisis and Increases Speculation on Land Prices

A proposal to amend Article 66 of Law No. 144 (Budget Law).

It has been included in the agenda of the Parliament on 07/12/2021.

Local Members of Parliament Are Proposing a Parcellation Draft Law Which Sacrifices Agricultural Lands in Hermel and Younine

Proposing an accelerated law on the consolidation and parcellation of El Hermel and Younine cadastral zones in the Baalbek-El Hermel governorate.

The committee found that the proposed law requires further study and inspection, and thus decided to postpone its decision about it and to request the concerned administrative entities to provide some observations that are related to application of the proposal, in case of its approval.

The Future and Resistance blocs facilitate construction in rural regions without addressing housing needs

Proposing the law of exemption of some building permits from fees according to prototypical designs.

It was referred to the Administration and Justice, Finance and Budget, and Public Works Committees on 10/6/2020.

MP Tony Franjieh Proposes a Land Tax That Prioritizes Private Interests Over the Public

A proposal to amend Articles 13 and 16 of the Urban Planning Law.

It was again placed on the agenda for the 30/6/2021 session.

Parliament Members Institute the Sectarian “Identity” of the Ghobeiry Municipality

Law No. 203 aims at establishing a cadastral zone for the municipality of Ghobeiry.

The Parliament approved the law and it was issued in the Official gazette on 07/01/2021.

MP Anis Nassar submits another exemption proposal for the displaced: a solution towards return or an escape from the solution? 

Proposing a law for the exemption of the displaced from construction fees.

It was referred to the Finance and Budget, Administration and Justice, and the Affairs of the Displaced committees, but it has not been studied yet.

Lebanon’s Loyalty to the Resistance Parliamentary Bloc Proposes Law to Abolish Amiri Lands System

Proposing a law to merge Amiri lands with Mulk lands.

It was referred to the Finance and Budget, and Public Administration Committees on 15/07/2020 and has not been studied to date.

The Lebanese Forces Revive a Highway Project Which Threatens Residents and Destroys Forests

Proposing a law that aims at executing expropriations related to the highway (Khalde - Dbayeh - Al-Okaibeh) and its connections.

It was referred to the Finance and Budget and Public Works Committees, but has not been studied to date.