Ras Beyrouth

The displaced bring life back to a vacant building on Jeanne d’Arc Street

فُتح مبنى خالِ في شارع جان دارك لاستقبال النازحين جرّاء الحرب الإسرائيلية. إلّا أن الإعلام ضجّ استنكاراً لما اعتبره تعدٍ على الأملاك الخاصة وحقوق كبار رجال الأعمال، بدلاً من الاحتفال بتحويل الشقق الفارغة التي بُنِيَت على أنقاض النسيج العمراني الاجتماعي للأحياء، إلى مساكن تلعب دورها الاجتماعي الحقيقي في تأمين المأوى خاصة في أوقات الحرب والأزمات.

Think Housing: Affordable Schemes Towards an Inclusive Beirut

Read in Arabic here.

Apartments are Empty. Loans Stopped. We voted for Laws That Guarantee the Right to Housing.

Right to Housing: The Landscape From Ras Beirut

A Research Workshop Within the Series «Mapping Beirut Through Its Tenants’ Stories»

The workshop consists of five sessions that involve discussions and field research, which are held in collaboration with The AUB Neighborhood Initiative. It targets youth interested in urban issues, research, mapping, and Beiruti …

Ras Beirut: Housing Narratives in the City

Over the past 150 years Ras Beirut has changed from an agricultural community to a dense urban neighborhood, particularly distinguished for its social, economic and cultural diversity. This diversity is however increasingly threatened …

Housing Narratives in Ras Beirut

Over the past 150 years Ras Beirut has changed from an agricultural community to a dense urban neighborhood, particularly distinguished for its social, economic and cultural diversity. This diversity is however increasingly threatened …

Seminar at City Debates

Public Works Studio participated in the 2017 City Debates at AUB where we exhibited the findings of our research project, “Mapping Beirut through its Tenants’ Stories,” in the lobby of the Architecture and …

Think Housing

In an effort to advocate for affordable housing and more inclusive cities, Think Housing competition sought innovative proposals for inclusive urban housing options that challenge the dominant models of urban development by reversing …

Think Housing: The First Competition for Housing Alternatives in Beirut

In an effort to address the affordable housing shortage in Beirut, Think Housing competition sought innovative proposals for inclusive urban housing options that challenge the dominant models of urban development, by reversing ongoing …

Mapping Beirut through its Tenants’ Stories workshop series

A participatory research space with the aim of promoting the right to the city and affordable housing through a series of six workshops. These workshops specifically focus on gathering and sharing the experiences …