
Master-Planning in Lebanon: Manufacturing Landscapes of Inequality

How is urban planning practiced in Lebanon? What is the motive behind issuing master plans? And in what way do these plans violate fundamental rights? We tried during the years 2017 and 2018 …

The fate of Beirut’s port between the World Bank and the French company

After the Port of Beirut explosion, international bodies, including the World Bank, EU, and UN, assessed the damage and proposed the 3RF framework to guide the reconstruction efforts. Since October 2021, the World …

Land belongs to those who cultivate it:

The rights holders of in Shabriha

How does urban planning deal with informal areas? This question is a pressing issue for the future of Tyre and Abbassiyeh areas, where camps and informal gatherings constitute an essential component of the …

The Primary Causes Behind the Increasing number of Collapsed Buildings in Lebanon

In 2023, seismic activity raised concerns about building collapses in Lebanon, initially overlooked until a series of incidents occurred across different regions. These events are part of a broader context where Lebanon faces …

The 2024 budget:

Rewarding property owners and speculators

This article discusses the 2024 budget in Lebanon, emphasizing the lack of substantial changes to rebuild the collapsing economy. The budget focuses on providing legal cover for state expenses without addressing existing policies, …

Another collapse in Mansourieh, and the state deals with it as an individual case

As torrents swept through diverse Lebanese regions, residents of one of the Nada 3 complex buildings are living under the threat of falling rocks. The residents had to evacuate, sometimes sleeping in cars, …

Sawfar – Beirut Line

In this field watch, Lebanese artist and activist Khaled Fayad reflects on his personal experience with the challenges of transportation in the town of Sawfar. Fayad, who has a fear of driving, has …

Lebanon Roads and Employment Project: Tinkering with the Roads, as a Way to Tinker with the Economy

A draft law related to consent on a loan agreement to be signed with the European Investment Bank worth 151 million Euros to contribute to the financing of the "Roads and Employment Project in Lebanon"

Referred by the Lebanese government and approved by parliament in the parliamentary session held on Thursday, December 14th, 2023.

Public Transportation: The State Borrows Money without Implementing

Issued in the Official Gazette on 9/7/2019.

“Those who cannot pay for a gallon of gas, let them use a different means of transportation.”

Since the end of the civil war, the dominant class has collaborated with the private sector to destroy many sectors at the expense of public interest. In the context of public transport, the …

The Lebanese Forces Revive a Highway Project Which Threatens Residents and Destroys Forests

Proposing a law that aims at executing expropriations related to the highway (Khalde - Dbayeh - Al-Okaibeh) and its connections.

It was referred to the Finance and Budget and Public Works Committees, but has not been studied to date.

On the European Corporates’ Vision of the Beirut Port Reconstruction:

Proposed Priorities versus People's Priorities

Even when a solution brought by private companies might seem like a source of hope for the neighborhoods destroyed by the Beirut Port explosion, it only proposes a replica of the reconstruction catastrophe …