
Thousands of Syrians Forcibly Evicted in light of Discriminatory Circulars by Local Authorities 

Ten Conclusions based on the Housing Monitor data January 1 - July 14, 2024

We publish the Housing Monitor’s periodic report in the context of an unprecedented xenophobic campaign launched by the state and its parties to displace Syrian refugees, as state security, in cooperation with governors …

The Primary Causes Behind the Increasing number of Collapsed Buildings in Lebanon

In 2023, seismic activity raised concerns about building collapses in Lebanon, initially overlooked until a series of incidents occurred across different regions. These events are part of a broader context where Lebanon faces …

Five Factors that Contributed to the Deterioration of the Urban Environment in Lebanon

This text highlights Lebanon’s urgent issue of severe physical degradation in its urban environment, with over 18,000 buildings at risk of collapse, particularly in Beirut and Tripoli. It attributes urban decay to a …

Local Authorities Normalize Illegality:

15 Discriminatory Circulars Against Syrians Documented Between April 9 and 24, 2024

Following the Cypriot President’s demand to the president of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen, to mediate between them and the Lebanese authorities, for the latters to prevent the boats of Syrian …

Collective evictions: The most prominent pattern in the Housing Monitor Report

Periodic Report | June - December 2023

This report covers cases received by the “Housing Monitor” from June to December 2023, documenting 345 cases, reaching a peak in August (143 cases). The majority of these cases originated from Syrian refugees …

Syrians’ Housing Conditions in Lebanon at the Intersection of Power, Securitization, and Legal Vulnerability

Monitoring and case studies between June 2022 and October 2023

During the past year, the number of political statements asserting that the armed conflict in Syria has ended has increased, calling for Syrian refugees to submit to the “voluntary return” plan proposed by …

Violation of the Right to Housing in Lebanon: Tripoli as a Case Study

Periodic Report | June - August 2022

Read in Arabic here.

Understanding Housing Transformations Amid Recent Events

This periodic report documents cases received by the “Housing Monitor” from January 2022 to May 2023. It emphasizes the correlation between recent escalating events and the number of monitored cases, totaling 563 reports, …

Old Tenants threatened amid Poor Law Enforcement and the Chaos of Exchange Rates

Read in Arabic here.

The Plight of Housing in Lebanon

Annual report submitted to the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing

In light of the Lebanese state’s inability to fulfill its minimum obligations, a central dilemma arises related to its ability to formulate an effective national strategy to ensure respect for the right to adequate housing, especially in the absence of data and statistics. In this context, and through this report, Public Works Studio seeks to provide an adequate and comprehensive picture of the prevailing situation and the extent to which Lebanon violates the right to housing. 

The Council of Exceptions: A report on the decisions of the “Higher Council for Urban Planning” (2019-2021)

The General Directorate for Urban Planning and its higher Council are Lebanon’s official and primary bodies for urban planning. They support urban development and favor the interests of real estate developers and the …

Deteriorating Housing and Threats to Lives, Exacerbating Violations of Housing Rights in Lebanon

September-November 2022

Read in Arabic here.