From Dossier

A Month After the Collapse of the Mansourieh Building

Engineering, a Profession Hijacked by the Market

In this article, we investigate the case of the collapsed building in the Yazbek-Hamoush residential complex in Mansourieh (16 October 2023), in an effort to raise necessary questions about the causes of the …

Housing-Designated Lands:

The State Had Housing Projects

In this article, we focus on the state-owned lands designated for housing. Understanding the nature of these properties, their location, and their current uses is essential when discussing any solutions to the ongoing …

Tripoli: The Nakba of Unfinished Housing Projects

In this article, we focus on the state-owned lands that have been historically designated for housing in the cities of Tripoli and Mina (North Lebanon). First, we examine the multiple types of state …

The Reclassification of Public State Property, a Tool to Fulfill the Desires of the Powerful

ينتشر اليوم خطاب واسع ويطغى، مسوّقاً لخصخَصة الأملاك العامة كوسيلةٍ لإنقاذ الدولة من الإفلاس. هذه الأملاك هي جزء أساسي من محفظة أصول لبنان العامة…

Tripoli, a “Heritage City” At The Expense of Its Residents

In this article, we delve into the battle of restoring and rehabilitating historical buildings in the cities of Tripoli and Mina (North Lebanon), focusing on “Taht Al-Sibat” neighborhood, Al-Fawal building, and other examples. …

Where are the State’s Lands?

In this article, we delve into the texts of laws, decrees, and records from the Ministry of Finance. Our aim is to shed light on the nature of public property, its geographical distribution, and its social significance.

Residents Facing Land Consolidation and Parcellation Projects:

The Example of El-Tanak Neighborhood in Mina

In this article, our focus revolves around the Land Consolidation and Parcellation projects in the cities of Tripoli and Mina in North Lebanon. We examine their influence on the economic and urban identity …