
Parliament Members Institute the Sectarian “Identity” of the Ghobeiry Municipality

Law No. 203 aims at establishing a cadastral zone for the municipality of Ghobeiry.

The Parliament approved the law and it was issued in the Official gazette on 07/01/2021.

MP Anis Nassar submits another exemption proposal for the displaced: a solution towards return or an escape from the solution? 

Proposing a law for the exemption of the displaced from construction fees.

It was referred to the Finance and Budget, Administration and Justice, and the Affairs of the Displaced committees, but it has not been studied yet.

Lebanon’s Loyalty to the Resistance Parliamentary Bloc Proposes Law to Abolish Amiri Lands System

Proposing a law to merge Amiri lands with Mulk lands.

It was referred to the Finance and Budget, and Public Administration Committees on 15/07/2020 and has not been studied to date.

The Lebanese Forces Revive a Highway Project Which Threatens Residents and Destroys Forests

Proposing a law that aims at executing expropriations related to the highway (Khalde - Dbayeh - Al-Okaibeh) and its connections.

It was referred to the Finance and Budget and Public Works Committees, but has not been studied to date.

How to Protect Residents of the Neighborhoods Affected by the Beirut Port Explosion

In the aftermath of the Beirut port explosion on August 4, 2020, residents of the affected neighborhoods in particular, have been excluded from topics related to their lives. Seeing the result of the …

Urban Struggles in the Arab Region

Exchanging Experiences and Methodologies

Public Works Studio, in collaboration with Professor Heba Bou Akar from Columbia University, organized a series of online seminars focusing on experiences, frameworks, and methodologies for addressing the challenges of urban realities in …

Towards a Fair Tax System to Counter the Commodification of Land

Dialogue Series: The Social Value of Land

The real estate sector in Lebanon has historically been given a significant protection as one of the few productive and successful sectors in the national economy, knowing that property taxes are low and …

Defending Housing Against Displacement Policies

Dialogue Series: The Social Value of Land

The right to adequate housing is a fundamental human right, essential for social justice and the maintenance of human dignity. However, the diverse and urgent housing needs of the majority of the Lebanese …

Discussion Session in Tripoli’s Public Square:

Commodifying Housing in the Service of the Rentier Economy

After decades of handing over the fate of city dwellers and their right to housing to the real estate market and the housing loan policies, housing has been reduced to a commodity, lacking …

Defending the City Interest Against Private Property

Dialogue Series: The Social Value of Land

The social function of property recognizes the impact of private property on society. It is based on the premise that the interest of the city must prevail over individual property. This concept acknowledges …

Defending Social Spaces for an Equitable City

Dialogue Series: The Social Value of Land

Speakers in this session discuss the reclamation and preservation of social spaces threatened by real-estate speculation. They examine urban planning laws and the experiences of Bayt Beirut, Fouad Boutros, Beirut Theatre, Dalieh, and …

Discussion in Jal El Dib’s Public Square

Waterfront Investment in the Service of the Rentier Economy

The development and organization of the Lebanese coast has often been associated with the construction and real estate industry. In the northern part of El Meten district, projects such as LINORD and Waterfront …