
Old Tenants threatened amid Poor Law Enforcement and the Chaos of Exchange Rates

Read in Arabic here.

Public Safety Decree: No Guarantee for People’s Safety, and No End to the Deterioration of the Urban Environment

Decree No. 14293 relating to “Requirements for General Safety in Buildings, Facilities and Elevator Equipment, and Fire and Earthquake Prevention”.

It was amended by Decree No. 7964, which is currently in force and issued on April 7, 2012.

The Council of Exceptions: A report on the decisions of the “Higher Council for Urban Planning” (2019-2021)

The General Directorate for Urban Planning and its higher Council are Lebanon’s official and primary bodies for urban planning. They support urban development and favor the interests of real estate developers and the …

Guide to Community Work at the Local Level

This research examines the role of local community organizing in relation to the theory of change and spatial justice within the context of Lebanon. It explores both the theoretical and practical aspects of …

إثنوغرافيات الإنهيار، كباقي الوشم في ظاهر اليد

في الرياضيات، تتناول الطوبولوجيا خصائص الشكل الهندسي التي يتمّ الحفاظ عليها تحت ضغط قوة كبيرة وتغييرات مستمرّة ناتجة عنها، كالتمدّد والالتواء والانحناء والتجعّد.ما نمرّ به اليوم يجعلنا نتساءل عن تأثير الانهيار الاقتصادي علينا، …