
Jana Haidar

Housing Monitor Coordinator and Casework Manager

Jana is an architect and urban researcher. She completed her MA in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts of the Lebanese University and has been working on projects covering the topics of national urban planning practices, housing policies and displacement, urban transformation, and history. She is also the creator of Beirut Architecture Tours that explores the urban planning history of Beirut.

Planning Dibbiyeh:

Between Private Interests and Public Apprehensions

Dibbiyeh is located 30 kilometers south of Beirut and is the coastal gateway to Iqlim al-Kharroub in Chouf. It consists of the old village, located at the heights of the towns, and a …

To Put Agriculture Against Tourism:

The Case of the Zahrani Coast

I remember well the weekly trips south that I took with my family when I was younger. I would sit in the back seat on the right and look out, observing the road …

Land belongs to those who cultivate it:

The rights holders of in Shabriha

How does urban planning deal with informal areas? This question is a pressing issue for the future of Tyre and Abbassiyeh areas, where camps and informal gatherings constitute an essential component of the …

Migrant Workers and Refugees Are Facing a Dilemma as the Specter of Eviction Hovers in an Economic Crisis Threatening the Right to Housing

Rent is a primary way to access housing in the Lebanese cities which house diverse social classes. The percentage of tenants in Beirut reaches 49.5% of its total population. According to a survey …

Ground to Dust: Systems of Extraction and the Search for Spatial Justice

This exhibition at Beirut Art Center is Public Works Studio’s first institutional presentation. Rather than approach the format of the exhibition with any kind of finality, PW has created a site as unstable …

Housing as a Feminist Cause

Stories from the Housing Monitor

If the COVID pandemic has shown us anything over the past year, it is that crises, no matter how global they may be, are not experienced equally by everyone. In times of multiscalar …

Um Hassan’s New House:

The Costs of Staying in the City

Um Hassan moved to Tarik Al Jadidah in 1982, when she was an 18-year-old mother of two. She came from the south and married a relative who was living in Beirut. Em Hassan …

Home Loans Exacerbate Inequality

A Report on the Defaulters’ Complaints to the Housing Monitor on Home Loans in Light of the Financial Crisis

Since the 1990s, the state has ignored the urgent need for a policy that addresses the multifaceted housing crisis. Instead, the state has adopted a unilateral approach of offering loans for home ownership. …

Rental Market Trends Amid Crisis

Prices, Conditions and Threats Documented in 2021

More than half of the population in the main Lebanese cities experience extremely weak housing tenure status; thus constituting the category of tenants constantly at risk of eviction, a condition generated and maintained ...

Housing as a Priority Under COVID

Today, the specter of a housing crisis looms over Lebanon in the complete absence of the priority of the right to housing from public discourse and legislation. The slogan “Stay at home” took …

Um Yumna’s Eviction

"The suburbs: a destination for the city’s most vulnerable"

At age 14, Um Yumna made her way from West Bekaa to settle in Beirut. After over 60 years of living in the city through earthquakes and war, she, along with her family, …

Another City Series: Housing Narratives

“We are the Heritage: Narratives Housing” tours are exploration tours in the neighborhoods of Bachoura, Al-Roum/Al-Badawi Tarik Jdideh in Beirut, that were launched as a continuation of studies led by Public Works Studio …