
What Discussion on Climate Justice Under Occupation?

The Destruction of the Palestinian Environment

For over 75 years, since the occupation of Palestine began, the Israeli apartheid regime has systematically engaged in ethnic cleansing. It has pursued a deliberate policy of settler colonialism and forced displacement of …

Proliferation of Water Wells at the Expense of Groundwater Resources

A joint commentary between Public Works and SEAC - the Agricultural movement in Lebanon

MP Ahmad Al-Kheir proposed a draft law in September 2023 aiming to extend the submission of applications for the regularization of unlicensed private water wells. The proposal is based on the “Water Law” …

Water Occupation:

Water in the Expansionist Zionist Ideology

The hegemony of “Israel” occupies four countries: Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. We cannot look at the occupation, without seeing the obsession with securing water resources, with all the colonizing practices that this securing requires; land is worthless without water.

Beyond Cement:

Towards an Alternative Vision for Chekka and Surrounding Towns

The towns of Chekka and Koura in North Lebanon have become prime examples of what public policies in Lebanon generate. The “Green Koura” in residents’ memories sat atop an abundance of groundwater and …

Beyond Cement

Towards an Alternative Vision for Chekka and Surrounding Towns

Download the book in Arabic Research and production: Monica Basbous, Nadine Bekdache, Tala Alaeddine, Abir SaksoukDesign: Imad KaafaraniEditing: Hashem HashemReport localisation: Sassine Kouzli Due to the presence of cement factories and quarries on …

A Dam Is Built in ‘Paradise’

The article shows how, despite warnings of earthquakes, leaks, and the destruction of an ecosystem, Lebanon is building a 300-foot-high hydroelectric project in one of the Middle East’s most biodiverse regions. Read the …

Public Conversation: Managing the Landscape and Natural Resources

Public Works Studio organized a discussion session and knowledge-sharing event focusing on natural resource management, transparency in projects’ implementation, and the potential for public participation in related decision-making processes. Habib Batah, a journalist …

A Chapter on the City in “The Legal Agenda” Magazine

As part of our efforts to promote spatial justice, the right to the city, and urban policies, Public Works Studio published a section in the “Legal Agenda” magazine, aiming to enhance knowledge and …