Housing Monitor

September to November, 2021

In parallel with this report, we are also publishing a report on the Monitor’s legal and community interventions that were developed with the purpose of protecting the housing rights of callers documented here. …

July and August 2021

The Housing Monitor is publishing its periodic report for July and August 2021. In this period, 40 cases of threatened cases were monitored affecting 206 people including 3 elderly people, 20 single women, …

May and June 2021

Read in Arabic here.

After the Port’s Explosion, What Are My Rights As a Tenant in the Damaged Buildings?

Discrimination, Segregation and the Right to Adequate Housing:

Report to General Assembly and to the Human Rights Council 2021

Public Works Studio (Lebanon) submitted a special report on “DISCRIMINATION, SEGREGATION AND THE RIGHT TO ADEQUATE HOUSING” to the General Assembly and to the Human Rights Council 2021, in answer to the the …

If I Am Threatened With Eviction, What Are My Rights?

Read in Arabic here.

March and April 2021

During the months of March and April 2021, 27 reports of eviction threats were received by the #Housing_Monitor, including one eviction notice. The reports were mostly located in Beirut and its suburbs, out …

Think Housing: Affordable Schemes Towards an Inclusive Beirut

Read in Arabic here.

How did Official Authorities Tackle the Housing Crisis Caused by the Beirut Port Explosion?

Hours after the port explosion devastated Beirut, the governor, Judge Marwan Abboud, appeared tearfully on television, declaring that about 300,000 people had become homeless in the Lebanese capital. With this news, individuals, organizations, …

Home Loans Exacerbate Inequality

A Report on the Defaulters’ Complaints to the Housing Monitor on Home Loans in Light of the Financial Crisis

Since the 1990s, the state has ignored the urgent need for a policy that addresses the multifaceted housing crisis. Instead, the state has adopted a unilateral approach of offering loans for home ownership. …

January and February, 2021

Throughout the first two months of year 2021, 88 cases have been reported, relating to housing vulnerability affecting 237 individuals, almost half of which were children. These reports included 36 single women threatened …

November and December 2020

Read in Arabic here.