Housing Monitor


How Do I Secure my Rights as a Tenant When My Dwelling Is Rehabilitated by a Renovating Company or Association?

Mapping Threats of Eviction during COVID-19 Pandemic and Housing Temporality

Occupancy period before eviction threat less than 3 years between 3 and 5 years between 5 and 16 years no information Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin …

Towards Right to Housing

Take action, support causes that impact our daily lives, spaces, cities and futures. Actions Towards Right to Housing

The Plight of Housing in Lebanon

Annual report submitted to the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing

In light of the Lebanese state’s inability to fulfill its minimum obligations, a central dilemma arises related to its ability to formulate an effective national strategy to ensure respect for the right to adequate housing, especially in the absence of data and statistics. In this context, and through this report, Public Works Studio seeks to provide an adequate and comprehensive picture of the prevailing situation and the extent to which Lebanon violates the right to housing. 

Legitimate Housing or the Right to Dwell?:

Pubilc Housing and their Informal Transformations in Saida and Tripoli

Read the Arabic article here.

Lease Agreement Issued by the Right to Housing Legal Task Force

Lease AgreementReceipt for Rent PaymentsList of the itemsComplaint Due to the large number of violation reports received by the Housing Monitor, particularly those related to the absence of written leases, we initially encouraged …

Deteriorating Housing and Threats to Lives, Exacerbating Violations of Housing Rights in Lebanon

September-November 2022

Read in Arabic here.

Send an Alert

The “Housing Monitor”, a program within “Public Works Studio”, urges city dwellers to report eviction threats and the violation of their housing rights, and then devises response pathways that range between establishing a …

Registration of Verbal Lease Contracts at Beirut’s Municipality:

A Letter Presented to the Governor by Public Works Studio

Read in Arabic here.

The Right to Housing Legal Task Force (RTHLTF)

The Housing Monitor leverages existing legislation in place, both in Lebanon and internationally, to safeguard housing rights for different communities and offer tailored support. In collaboration with Public Work’s team of urbanists and …

About Housing Monitor

Claiming housing rights and confronting injustices often occur in the private realm. Households are singled out, seemingly isolated from the mechanisms that drive gentrification, urbanization and displacement, and left alone to face the …