
Defend the Right to Housing, Join the “Housing Monitor” Team

Hotliners' Workshop and Training

The upcoming workshop on Friday, March 17 in Tripoli will have a specific focus on the legal and policy frameworks safeguarding the right to housing. The Right to Housing Committee, which was recently …

Legitimate Housing or the Right to Dwell?:

Pubilc Housing and their Informal Transformations in Saida and Tripoli

Read the Arabic article here.

Another City Series: Housing Narratives

As we get to know the streets and alleys whose residents have witnessed significant changes in the architectural and social environment, we pose questions about heritage and the housing policies which have led …

قصّة ندى: كيف يؤدي انعدام التوازن في العلاقة التأجيرية إلى فقدان الحقوق السكنية

ندى أم أرملة، تسكن وأولادها الثلاث شقّة بالإيجار في حي طريق الجديدة. ندى لا تعمل، وقد بدأ ابنها البكر سنته الأولى في الجامعة. تعتاش العائلة من مدّخراتها ومن مساعدات تحصل عليها ندى أحياناً …

Lease Agreement Issued by the Right to Housing Legal Task Force

Lease AgreementReceipt for Rent PaymentsList of the itemsComplaint Due to the large number of violation reports received by the Housing Monitor, particularly those related to the absence of written leases, we initially encouraged …

Deteriorating Housing and Threats to Lives, Exacerbating Violations of Housing Rights in Lebanon

September-November 2022

Read in Arabic here.

On the Agenda of the Higher Council of Urban Planning

Subdividing Forestry Land in Ihmij for the Benefit of Investors.

Read details in Arabic here.

“Dialogue – City – People”

A Bi-monthly Series of Seminars Organized by Public Works Studio and the French Institute of the Near East

The bi-monthly public seminars, held in collaboration with «Mansion», provide a platform to connect research, applied projects, practical activities, and collective political engagement to address current issues and their intersections. We believe that …

The General Directorate and Higher Council of Urban Planning

Read details in Arabic here.

Registration of Verbal Lease Contracts at Beirut’s Municipality:

A Letter Presented to the Governor by Public Works Studio

Read in Arabic here.

North Governorate

This governorate includes a significant number of state-owned properties (4,278 plots), and 23% of its area is fully or partially planned. According to the recommendations of the NPMPLT, it is supposed to be given a privileged position in maritime transport, industry, tourism, international exhibitions, and higher education.

Beirut Governorate

This Governorate has the lowest number of state-owned properties (1284 plots), and it is the only fully planned Governorate. It is considered the economic, social, cultural, and political center of Lebanon, and according to the recommendations of the NPMPLT, the objective would be to search for qualitative rather than quantitative development of its qualifications, such as better organization of existing functions and enhancement of living conditions.