
A Month After the Collapse of the Mansourieh Building

Engineering, a Profession Hijacked by the Market

In this article, we investigate the case of the collapsed building in the Yazbek-Hamoush residential complex in Mansourieh (16 October 2023), in an effort to raise necessary questions about the causes of the …

MP Tony Frangieh and Saydat al-Najat Monastery are Partners in an Environmental Massacre

Uprooting 3500 Olive Trees in Bsarma to Establish an Industrial City

Lands owned by the Saydat al-Najat Maronite monastery in Bsarma (North Lebanon) are hosting an environmental massacre. News of the uprooting of 3500 olive trees on an area of 160,000 square meters has …

The Eviction of 300+ Syrian Residents from the Agha Building in Ras El-Nabeh

Last September, 300 Syrian residents, many of whom were children, faced forced eviction from the Agha Building in Ras El-Nabeh in Beirut due to complaints about their involvement in littering and the deterioration …

Proliferation of Water Wells at the Expense of Groundwater Resources

A joint commentary between Public Works and SEAC - the Agricultural movement in Lebanon

MP Ahmad Al-Kheir proposed a draft law in September 2023 aiming to extend the submission of applications for the regularization of unlicensed private water wells. The proposal is based on the “Water Law” …

Public Transportation: The State Borrows Money without Implementing

Issued in the Official Gazette on 9/7/2019.

Save Kojak-Jaber Building in Ramlet Al-Bayda, Where the Thinker Hussein Mroueh Resided:

An Open letter to the Ministry of Culture and Beirut Municipality

The Kojak-Jaber building, a symbol of modern architecture in Ramlet Al-Bayda, and home to one of the region’s most prominent philosophers and thinkers, is facing the threat of demolition. Since it is our …

Violation of the Right to Housing in Lebanon: Tripoli as a Case Study

Periodic Report | June - August 2022

Read in Arabic here.

The Decisions of the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities:

Controlling the Refugees’ Lives and Housing Situation

The Lebanese Minister of Interior and Municipalities, Judge Bassam Mawlawi, sent a letter to local authorities on May 2, 2023 in order to initiate a national survey campaign aimed at enumerating and registering …

No to Imposing Fees or Restrictions on Access to Horsh Beirut

In 2019, the Lebanese parliament passed a law submitted by deputy Fouad Makhzoumi establishing “The Protection of Horsh Beirut”. What is this law and what are its reprecussions? This law brings us back …

Understanding Housing Transformations Amid Recent Events

This periodic report documents cases received by the “Housing Monitor” from January 2022 to May 2023. It emphasizes the correlation between recent escalating events and the number of monitored cases, totaling 563 reports, …

How Do I Secure my Rights as a Tenant When My Dwelling Is Rehabilitated by a Renovating Company or Association?

Once Again, the Lebanese Forces MPs Propose Privatization as a Solution to the Lebanese Crisis

A draft law proposing the creation of an independent institution responsible for managing state assets.

The law draft was submitted on 13/2/2023, and has not yet been referred to any parliamentary committee yet.