In this article, we explore the Amiri state lands through a case study of the “Çiftlik” area located to the south of the city of Tyre. Tyre was specifically chosen as these Amiri lands make up 62% of its total area. The aim of this article is to address recurring questions that arise whenever the topic of Amiri lands is discussed: What is the right known as the “usufruct right”? How is it obtained? How is it transferred? And how can we ensure justice in accessing these lands within the context of Lebanese clientelism/patronage? In essence, all these questions revolve around a single query: How can we possess a legal right to land that we neither own nor lease?

This article is part of a broader research endeavor that seeks to shed light on the diverse implications of public property, and serves as a platform for strategic discourse opposing the privatization of such assets.

Read more extensive details in Arabic here.